24 January, 2025
March honours Lismore girl
A LISMORE family led a walk in Geelong earlier this month in memory of their daughter, one year on from the accident which claimed her life.

The Rossiter family led the march from Geelong’s Law Court precinct to the Rotunda at Geelong’s Eastern Beach on January 3.
Paul Rossiter said the march was about remembering his daughter, Mia.
She was just 12-years-old when she was killed in a car crash on January 3, 2024.
Police alleged an erratic driver swerved in to oncoming traffic and collided with the Rossiter family car on the Hamilton Highway.
Mr Rossiter said the man allegedly responsible for the crash, who was on parole after serving time for driving related offences, has since faced dozens of charges – but questioned if he should have been released in the first place.
“I feel there shouldn’t be parole for people like that – I feel they should serve their full sentence,” he said.
“The guy who ran into us – if he served his full sentence, Mia would still be here with us.”
The march, which the family called Mia’s March, was designed to help raise awareness of issues with the Victorian justice system.
“It was something we came up with ourselves – we thought it wasn’t something that one or two people could make a massive difference, but we thought we could make a difference if we had a group of people together with the same view as us,” he said.
“We seem to find that the guy who has done this to us has probably got more rights than what we do, which I don’t find very fair.
“For us, it’s about bringing awareness, whether it’s to the public or whoever it may be, that we think the system is flawed.
“It would be good to be able to have a chat with someone a bit higher up about what we can do to understand the bits and pieces that don’t make sense to us.”

The march saw 100 people take part, with the Rossiter family leading with a banner featuring a picture of Mia calling for change.
Justice for Mia shirts were also sold to marchers, who wore the shirts during the march as a way to honour Mia’s memory.
Following the march, a petition was established calling for reforms to the bail and parole laws for repeat offenders.
The petition, Reform Our Bail, Parole Laws and the Justice System for Repeat Offenders, calls for tougher laws for bail and parole for repeat offenders and those with a known record for violent offences.
Mr Rossiter said he was aiming for 2000 signatures after his initial goal was surpassed in a matter of weeks.
“My aim at the start was 500 and now we’ve got nearly three times that already in three and a half weeks,” he said.
“I think it’s fabulous – 80 per cent of people who have signed it don’t know us and don’t know Mia, but they feel the system is flawed.
“They’ve been affected in some way by the justice system and the road toll as well.
“The road toll is going up each year instead of down – cars are getting safer, but it’s drivers doing the wrong thing.
“You feel a bit sorry for the police because they’re doing their job catching these people, but the courts are bailing them and they’re back on the street the next day and they’re going to do it again.”
Mr Rossiter has reached out to Victorian Minister for Corrections Enver Erdogan via email multiple times, but said he had not received a response.
He said his next step was to approach Mr Erdogan in person in Melbourne to speak about the issue.
“Once I’ve got all my signatures, I’m going to give it another three or four weeks, and then I’m going to go up and try and approach the Corrections Minister in Melbourne at Parliament House,” Mr Rossiter said.
“We appreciate everyone’s support - checking in on us and supporting with the walk and the petition – Mia definitely would appreciate everyone’s support as well.
“As I said from day one, it’s a big thing. It’s never going to bring Mia back – and I wish it could – but if we can stop another family from going through what we are because someone else has stuffed up, then we feel it’s made a difference.
“We’re only a couple of people, so we’re not going to change the world.
“But if we can alter something just to make someone else’s life five per cent better, then we feel that Mia’s life has made a difference to other people as well as ours.
“I think it’s a massive thing – it’s exactly what she would want because Mia would always put other people before herself.”
Western District Newspapers reached out to Mr Erdogan’s office for comment, but did not receive a response prior to publication.
To sign the petition, visit
Read More: Lismore