

8 February, 2024

Strong form from Judy

JUDY Carmody has taken out the ladies’ A grade competition at Terang Golf Club.

By wd-news

Strong form from Judy - feature photo

Judy won last Thursday’s stroke event with a score of 91-21-70, closely followed by runner-up Jo Arundell on 95-23-72.

The B grade winner was Janet Saunders 98-30-68 on a count back from Jane Heffernan on 101-33-68.

Balls down the line went to Peter Coolahan 74, Heather Holmes 74 and Stephen Grinter75

Nearest the pins: .3rd Billy Wood, 9th Peter Coolahan and 11th Karen Mather.

The nine-hole competition was won by Linda Kenna Nett 36 on a countback from Anna Kenna 36.

This Thursday, February 8 will be stableford and setting up for the Rose Bowl the next day.

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Read More: Terang


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